7 Trippy Movies, and The Drugs That Inspired Them.

If the movie trailers are any indication, Tim Burton’s vision of Alice in Wonderland looks to be the most trippy celluloid adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s characters yet, and that got me thinking about other films that have been influenced in some way by the use of mind expanding drugs.
So tune in, turn on and drop whatever else you thought was more important for the next few minutes as I present, “7 Movies and the Drugs That Made Them.”


Apocalypse Now

Dennis Hopper uses dialectic physics to explain to the captured military assassin, Capt. Willard about the absurdity of fractions. What good are fractions, anhe contends; you can’t land a spaceship on Venus on one-quarter or three-eighths. If you just understood the logic of the previous sentence, it’s probably because you’re stoned out of your gourd, grooving to the haunting vocals of The Doors and living on an island where severed human heads pass as ambiance.


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